(This post originally appeared in my personal blog, Your Life’s Calling, on May 10.) Today I am trying to stay in my body… to keep my somewhat manic energy… (which for me includes the feeling of being ungrounded, but energized in a way that produces the stimulating feeling of excitement, vitality, limitless possibility) … from …
Does today seem like a special day to you? Did you wake up this morning with the clear intention to make today, October 17, 2012, a truly memorable day? A day that will count in your memory as one FULLY lived and appreciated? Or is it just Wednesday… hump day…. the day you don’t have …
I admit it: I’m an idealist. Over 20 years ago, when I had been working my first corporate job for about a year, a well-intentioned executive gave me feedback which has stayed with me. During a rare one-on-one conversation lasting only a few minutes, Wayne offered me this assessment: “Terry, you are too idealistic. You …
If you will, take a moment right now to close your eyes and inhale, as you sit in your chair, wherever you are. Let the inhale fill your belly and your chest, and rise all the way to the top of your head as it fills you with a fresh perspective on this moment and …